Stone Skin Watcher .NET

Scripts for wintin.

Stone Skin Watcher .NET

Postby jezer » Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:40 am

#defgroup {Stoneskin}
#action {The 'stone skin' spell on you is about to wear off.} {$output 60 SECS ON STONE SKIN!} {G|Stoneskin}
#action {You feel less protected.} {#var stone 0;$output STONE SKIN DOWN!} {G|Stoneskin}
#action {You feel your skin become much, much stronger.} {#timer Stone +$sstime {$output STONE SKIN WARNING!};$output STONE SKIN UP!;#var stone 1} {G|Stoneskin}
#alias {stone} {#if {$stone = 0} {cast 'stone' $me}} {G|Stoneskin}
#gag {The 'stone skin' spell on you is about to wear off.} {G|Stoneskin}
#gag {You feel less protected.} {G|Stoneskin}
#gag {You feel your skin become much, much stronger.} {G|Stoneskin}
#highlight {b yellow} {60 SECS ON STONE SKIN!} {G|Stoneskin}
#highlight {b yellow} {STONE SKIN DOWN!} {G|Stoneskin}
#highlight {b yellow} {STONE SKIN UP!} {G|Stoneskin}
#highlight {b yellow} {STONE SKIN WARNING!} {G|Stoneskin}
#variable {stone} {0} {G|Shortcuts}
#variable {sstime} {22:30} {G|Stoneskin}
#variable {me} {jezer} {G|Shortcuts}
#variable {output} {grouptell} {G|Shortcuts}
#defgroup {}
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