Frenzy - Script .NET

Scripts for wintin.

Frenzy - Script .NET

Postby Nightwolf » Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:44 am

Just started learning Wintin.NET, and tried writing some own scripts.... So i made this frenzy script, with most of the syntax from Jezer's stone skin script, but it somehow does not block me from frenziying again when i am already in frenzy....

#defgroup {frenzy}
#alias {fre} {#if {$vfrenzy = 0} {frenzy}} {G|frenzy}
#action {You are incapable of channeling your anger.} {fre} {G|frenzy}
#action {You begin to channel your anger and enter a state of frenzy.} {#var {vfrenzy} {1}} {G|frenzy}
#action {You calm down and return to a peaceful state of mind.} {#var {vfrenzy} {0};#showme {FRENZY DOWN!}} {G|frenzy}
#gag {You are incapable of channeling your anger.} {G|frenzy}
#gag {You begin to channel your anger and enter a state of frenzy.} {G|frenzy}
#gag {You calm down and return to a peaceful state of mind.}
#highlight {yellow} {FRENZY DOWN!} {G|frenzy}
#var {vfrenzy} {0} {G|frenzy}
#defgroup {}

Thanks, NW
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Postby *juggleblood* » Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:28 pm

a few possibilities:

You have #presub on, which means the gag is killing the action.


Wintin is acting up (happens to me when I do a lot of script window editing). -Restart wintin.


You were already frenzied when u started the script and tested it. Which means frenzy didn't get set to 1.

But, it looks right to me. Except for trying to highlight a #showme. I don't
think you can do that.
Talk to the clown.
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Postby Nightwolf » Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:48 am

Thanks for the advice, Juggleblood. I disabled presub, which didnt help, I change the script directly in the ws file anyways, and i wasn't frenzied...
But the thing about showme not being highlighted was a very good advice... We talked about it yesterday with Splork, and he said that atm, showme cant be highlighted yet, so it has to be worked around with subs...
so I tested the following script, which works just fine (although it doesn't look as pretty as the first one imho, but that's
aesthetics :D )

#defgroup {frenzy}
#action {You are incapable of channeling your anger.} {fre} {G|frenzy}
#action {FRENZY UP!} {#var {vfrenzy} {1}} {G|frenzy}
#action {FRENZY DOWN!} {#var {vfrenzy} {0}} {G|frenzy}
#alias {fre} {#if {$vfrenzy = 0} {frenzy}} {G|frenzy}
#gag {You are incapable of channeling your anger.} {G|frenzy}
#sub {You begin to channel your anger and enter a state of frenzy.} {FRENZY UP!} {G|frenzy}
#sub {You calm down and return to a peaceful state of mind.} {FRENZY DOWN!} {G|frenzy}
#highlight {yellow} {FRENZY DOWN!} {G|frenzy}
#highlight {yellow} {FRENZY UP!} {G|frenzy}
#variable {vfrenzy} {0} {G|frenzy}
#defgroup {}
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