by Gnu » Tue Nov 16, 2004 5:12 am
To Tetsulunathaya: sure I have some comments
1. Gods of war can not effect all group members in a quite large group, I think its limit is about 8 or 10 persons for prime bard with viol. That's why in a large group 2 and even 3 bards singing 'Gods' are usefull...
2. Cry of the avatars is another powerfull bard's song... surely it depends on situation, bard should be very careful, not to cause the massive CF... but look... Regal, Overseer, Kzartaxen become killable w/o tards in group...
3. If the bard was constructed in a right-way, then he can do almost all jobs in a group Singing/Blasting/Healing/2.Tanking/Weakening/Blinding/Cursing(damning). And when 2 or even more bards are in group, then singing may be considering as regening... for example, if bard is out of healing, he may cause more then 200 dam/round due to his song and regen for about 20 or even more mana/tick... when he does this, othet bards heal/blast or do whatever they can...
4. Madmax's suggestions look interesting for me... One more comment here, gods of war is chop-mobs oriented song... what about ethereal ones? Wouldnýt it be nice to have song which provides spelldam bonus?