Couple things - first is that it's interesting with all of the changes to bard songs that nobody's commented on this section since '06.
Second, I think it is GREAT that bards can now see who their song affects. My question is has anyone figured out how this works yet? I thought that by targeting the leader that I'd get as many ppls as my song can target, but that's not the case. There are several instances where I'd target the leader of the group and only affect two people (out of 6) or sometimes even 1, maybe not even the intended target!
If anyone could shed some light on this, that'd be great. Just for fyi - I'm bard 4th w/ little charisma eq bonuses. Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.
Oh, a message to the immorts: Give Bards the ability to build off one another! It could mean increasing length of song effect or increasing potency of affected peoples. Either way - it's a way cool idea.