Damage Reduction / Bonus Damage Reduction
Heal Bonus / Bonus Heal Bonus
are shown in "score all2"
Previously you would see this..
- Code: Select all
The following bonuses affect you:
Hit Roll : ( 23) [||||||||||| ]
Damage : ( 19) [||||||||| ]
Damage Red. : 100% ( 29) [||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||]
System Shock : ( 1) [ ]
Spell Saves : 28% ( -6) [|||||||||||||| ]
Hand Damage : 78% ( 26) [||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
now you will see this
- Code: Select all
The following bonuses affect you:
Hit Roll : ( 22) [||||||||||| ]
Damage : ( 17) [|||||||| ]
Damage Red. : 48% ( 14) [|||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
+Damage Red. : 16 of NOCAP
System Shock : ( 1) [ ]
Spell Saves : 28% ( -6) [|||||||||||||| ]
Hand Damage : 78% ( 26) [||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
the + means bonus. so in this case, bonus_damage_reduction.
the only ones that will show up at the moment are +Damage Red. (bonus damage reduction)
and +Heal Bonus (bonus heal bonus) the reason is that i have to add them in manually and have to research them manually.
notice that in the latter case, the total is actually 1 higher than in the original case.
that was due to a small bug in the way the data is calculated which is why i have to
research each thing that gets added.
someone please collect all the missing bonuses and decide in which order we should add them in?
do a poll or something.