- don't belong to a eqset (eqsets are stored in a separate room)
- are not Runes or gems
- may be a cp for some useful forge
- may belong to an autoquest line
- may be some high-level item that I may need later
- may be something useful that I do not want to get rid of (e.g. a radiant blue potion)
- with about 50% probability are junk
I wonder if anyone ever tried to solve this combinatorial task?
My current thoughts are as follows. For every item, I want to check whether it –
- is personal
- is a forge
- is a cp for a forge
- has 6x40+ level restrictions (may add more level categories)
- belongs to an autoquest, and whether I've already completed the autoquest
- is something useful (a radiant blue potion)
- can be turned in for conquest points
- (is a duplicate of an item from one of the above categories)
The next step is to process categories by tags:
- Untagged => most likely, useless, sell to shop, or give away, or junk
- Unique high-level item => keep vaulted
- Unique forges, forge cps, autoquest items => manually go through the list and decide
- Duplicates => try to turn in for conquest points => sell on auction, or sell to shop, or give away, or junk
Am I missing anything? Thoughts?