I was a little amused to accidentally bump into a literal "sloth epic" on my holiday in Patagonia, Chile. We were visiting this cave where they had found ancient remains of an animal called a Mylodon when they announced it was a 2m armor plated sloth... I almost choked...
Someone needs to make this beast into an area or an epic... Apparently it had bones in it's skin like an armadillo and probably had quite a swipe and bite.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MylodonAlso on my holiday, I stopped at a place for a snack that had "Ass Italiano" and "Ass Queso" (Queso = Cheese) on the menu. I was pretty tempted to buy the Ass Queso, but who could pass up some good Ass Italiano. I've always had a fondness for a bit of Ass Italiano. At 2500 pesos it was also the cheapest and most delicious ass I've ever bought.