Just keeping everything in one main robe. Just to avoid problems when item exists in multiple eq sets at same time.
Would be lovely to have some command in which you specify a container first, and then items you want wear from that container. With automatical removing current equiped item, which is auto moved into that container.
Most ppl use different containers just because you can get everything from it at once with 'get all from robe'. If moving items from container and back to it will be auto, then there will be no real need in multiple robes from different sets.
switcheq robe item1 item2 item3 item4...itemN
With result displaying only to you in form of
You wear item1 and put old-equiped-item into robe
You wear item2 and put old-equiped-item into robe
No item3 in robe to wear it
You wear item4 and put old-equiped-item into robe
And other ppl should just see single message about you switching some eq...
Maybe that command even should ignore, that robe is weared on you atm and still works in that way