Please post your ideas to improve our mud.


Postby Taki » Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:34 am

Probably not saying anything new, but I thought to post it here, since shouts in game don't do much more than annoying other players :)

Noticed that lag keeps getting worse with time from last boot (after 3 days it becomes bad, then it seems to worsen more and more).

But i also noticed that any time I or my group partner get a follower (undead or supplicant), the lag becomes awful.

Possible reasons of lag? Increasing junk left around? Very long lists in shops? Some flaw in followers code?

Maybe a scheduled boot every 3 days could help, or some change to shops so they junk part of the inventory every some hours (so they can also buy again). The Janitors, Sweepers etc are good to clean the street, but they might have a routine to dump their loot instead of keeping it in iventory?

Hope the Lag will soon be erased, since that is a monster that can ruin a game, and the mud...
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Postby Weasel » Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:26 am

There is an intentional lag every time you order a follower to do something, if that's what you're referring to.
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Lagged commands

Postby Avatar » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:33 pm

There's nothing like simulating extremely bad lag to make mudding enjoyable!
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Postby Taki » Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:36 am

I can understand, and accept, to sacrifice one round in combat to order followers do something, and that should result in something like this:

1st round
you hit foo
foo massacres you
you hit foo

you order followers assist (whateverish)
foo massacres you

you hit foo
follower crushes foo
foo hits you
you hit foo

Instead what i am referring to is that after issueing an order, i have no response for 4-5 secs (sometimes longer), then i receive 2 rounds reports almost together, then, after every follower's hit, another lag and so on.

So that is lag, either server side (processing followers? unlikely...) or client side, but i am on adsl with almost 4+mb connection and without any other net tasks active...
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