Crash Last Night

Please post your ideas to improve our mud.

Crash Last Night

Postby benq2 » Tue Mar 15, 2005 4:31 am

Most of you will probably think its silly, but it never hurts to ask..

last nite before crash, I was holding someones corpse. This corpse was in a pack. I was in the middle of an eq change when the mud actually crashed. The end result was that all the eq from the corpse was in my inventory (not in pack), mixed in with my regen eq. needless to say, it took a bit to sort out.

that and the fact that 20 mins earlier i had read necrology to max and
when mud came back it was back down to before reading. =/

Is it possible that instead of the mud just dump the corpse eq into my inventory that maybe it logs what it did or puts a token of some sort to let the imms know to restore the pc's corpse to the pc?

just my 2 cents.
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Postby Mustang » Tue Mar 15, 2005 4:37 am


it'd be much much easier for the immorts just to teach players to save often.
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Postby benq2 » Tue Mar 15, 2005 5:08 am

i do save. almost constantly actually.
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Postby Xuan » Tue Mar 15, 2005 1:01 pm


it'd be much much easier for the immorts just to teach players to save often.[/quote:31fst4ds]

Well there might be "accident" such as when u corpse n crushes? :)
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Postby Mustang » Tue Mar 15, 2005 1:12 pm

if you corpse and crash, your corpse appears when the game starts up again
however, any items looted are lost (correct me if i'm wrong) which I still feel is absolutely unfair
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Postby benq2 » Tue Mar 15, 2005 3:40 pm

mustang, i didnt corpse. someone else did. i was holding their corpse (in a pack) when game crashed. i was switching eq to get in int mode when mud crashed and on reboot, the mud put all of the other persons eq in my inventory so it got mixed up with my int eq. saving wouldnt help that =/
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Postby Clink » Tue Mar 15, 2005 3:50 pm

I'm not addressing the specific situation that started this thread because I don't think we will ever do anything about it. But, the last comment might be worth a response. One of the reasons that equipment poofs on crash if it isn't in a corpse is technical, the other is philisophical.

-The technical is used as an excuse, that is, it's a lot of work to code persistent equipment across a crash when it isn't associated to a corpse. This is an excuse, but also true.

-The philisophical argument is that there are very few ways for items to dissappear from the game on whole. Don't confuse this with losing an item and someone else getting it. The other ways for equipment to leave the game are approximately: selling things in a shop, forging into another item, intentionally junking and the occasional player wiped.

The availability of equipment only increases over time as more and more of it is obtained through play. We would like additional ways for equipment to leave the game. This provides additiona incentive to hunt down more for you and for your friends. Sadly, we can't really think of anything better at the moment and haven't over the past couple years. Any suggestions?

We don't want to make equipment "wear out" or require repair. So, however out-of-game it is (and we acknowledge) and however unfair it is (probably more random than unfair) this is one way for equipment to poof (though not a very frequent one) that won't go away until we find a reasonable way to replace it.

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Postby Vixn » Tue Mar 15, 2005 4:22 pm

[quote="Clink":1tphqw4n] The other ways for equipment to leave the game are approximately: selling things in a shop, forging into another item, intentionally junking and the occasional player wiped.

Kewl, i know one more way for eq to leave the game. It's a forge bursting. Yeah, am i right?
ps I didn't mean you need to make it more frequent ;)
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Postby Leaf » Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:27 am

What about if a mob loots the corpse and then it crashs?
I know if the corpse itself is there, the "items" should be there. But not the
items that was looted by the mob(s). It would be cool if there was a way
for the system to reboot with the item(s) in question if they looted.
Something like ... if they have a loot trigger, If looted save items. If crashed
reload items etc... No clue on how sloth is coded, but if that would be possible
it would rock.

Also regarding items needing repair. I think this would add some realism,
if armor did need repair. Now I know tank type/solo chars would HATE this
but it would add realism. Maybe if you go to the armor shop, pay $xxx
they can polish your armor and you will get -.3 ac for like a few battles.
Of course the more battles you are in, the penities starts kicking in. More
blood, dents, holes, burn marks, etc... you start getting +.1 to your ac.
Of course the items should never "break" and then u have to go pop another.
Same goes with weapons, what ever the dam is, maybe 1 less cause it's
dull or something. Just something to add more realism.
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Postby 12345 » Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:45 am

I think Leaf just described SillyMUD. Interesting and incredibly old codebase. Continually having to spend money on rent and repairs completely blows. Especially since implementing it pretty much means implementing material types. I can't tell you how many times I've been completely pissed off because I got hit and my robe became scrap. Or a dragon lit it on fire. Mage mobs become impossible to cycle because you're afraid they'll use fireball or acid blast and destroy half your equipment.

Not surprisingly... I stopped playing that game.
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Postby Leaf » Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:10 am

Will like I said... the items will never get "broken" or damaged beyond
repair. Also it shouldn't require repairs every time you get into a battle.
Like I said :P, maybe if you get it repaired and "polished" you will add to
ur ac -.3 for a few runs and slowly, very slowly it will get +.1 from battles.
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Postby firebrand » Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:25 am

leaf sed:
Also regarding items needing repair. I think this would add some realism,
if armor did need repair. Now I know tank type/solo chars would HATE this
but it would add realism. Maybe if you go to the armor shop, pay $xxx
they can polish your armor and you will get -.3 ac for like a few battles.
Of course the more battles you are in, the penities starts kicking in. More
blood, dents, holes, burn marks, etc... you start getting +.1 to your ac.
Of course the items should never "break" and then u have to go pop another.
Same goes with weapons, what ever the dam is, maybe 1 less cause it's
dull or something. Just something to add more realism.

we pay rent just to cover repairing our armor and sharpening our eq, leaf. i guarantee you this - if the breaking armor and weapons (other than choppers) comes into game, i am coming after YOU and i will make all YOUR eq break or whatnot. lets see how ******* funny you think that shit is then. not everyone has time to constantly pop &/or repair the same eq over and over again....groups would never last due to ac and mana and regen constantly being **** up with wear and repair. and most importantly, can you imagine what would happen to a group if the tank's weapon got too dull infight and oops, the mages and clerics spellcasting and healing bonus eq burned off while fighting a huge ass quest mob? major would have an entire group of ppl ready to kill YOU instead of that big ass mob because they all lost exps/levs. if you want to see realism, suggest something like (here's my two cents again) maybe all classes regardless of having thief or not, regardless of glance skill...if i look char/mob, i want to see inventory....just like real life. ahh well....everyone knows my opinion on that, so i will leave it alone...for the next 5 minutes.
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Postby 12345 » Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:09 am

[quote="firebrand":5hp75vsg]we pay rent just to cover repairing our armor and sharpening our eq, leaf.[/quote:5hp75vsg]
True... rent used to be free. Why did we reimplement rent anyway?
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Postby Leaf » Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:10 am

Woo Wooo woooo Reb :P
Relax a little

It was just a suggestion asking for realizm :P. Not something I'm saying
we need to do that, because like 12345 said, there are MUDs that do that.
I'm just saying the +.1 ac or -dam will take alot of runs, so groups "can"
do large quests, for awhile. Plus if you didn't notice I did say we would also
get "bonus" adding to AC or even adding to damage when getting polish/
sharpen. This would help newbies out because the mobs they fight does
less damage, and if they polish their eq they will get -.3 or something along
those times. Which in turns helps them to a better ac. Which also helps
tank types higher up, because -.3 would help agaist webs. This is all just
"saying", not something I'm saying that it "needs" to be put in. I wouldn't
mind spending like $xxx for -.3 ac or even a +1 - +3 dam on a weapon.
But if you wish, yes when we "rent" the innkeepers bring our eq to the back
and he/she starts polishing, and sharping our weapons :)
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Postby Blastem » Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:17 am

There are already some mobs in the game that destroy items (the dragon in autumnal forest comes to mind) imho this is not a good way to remove items from the game. I've played in muds that did eq / weapon damage and it majorly sucked. I''ve only played on one that had a decent system for it and in that system your eq gradually wore out and you either had to take it to a smith to get it fixed or use an item/skill to repair (use stone sword to whet / repair sword) thing was in this system you almost had to try to get an item to break as all you had to do was fix it when it got below a certain level.

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