Your afternoon chuckle

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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Teron » Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:39 am

You quickly play a verse of 'reign of confusion'.
Gildebruun, Mistress of Fiends steps back from the fight and scratches her head in confusion.

<565hp 4ma 283mv> 1779188395 68493 - -5.2 +4 indoors+672 16 +0
Victory -- 'tank down'

<566hp 5ma 283mv> 1779188395 68493 - -5.2 +4 indoors+0 0 +0
Curate -- 'get out'

<569hp 7ma 283mv> 1779188395 68493 - -5.2 +4 indoors+0 0 +0
Curate -- 'get out'

<570hp 7ma 283mv> 1779188395 68493 - -5.2 +4 indoors+0 0 +0
Curate -- 'get out'

<570hp 7ma 283mv> 1779188395 68493 - -5.2 +4 indoors+0 0 +0
Victory leaves up.

<571hp 9ma 283mv> 1779188395 68493 - -5.2 +4 indoors+0 0 +0
Jackalope leaves up.
Curate recites a major scroll of recall.
Feist disappears.

<572hp 9ma 283mv> 1779188395 68493 - -5.2 +4 indoors+0 0 +0
recite recall fei
Victory -- 'went up'
Curate leaves up.
You follow Curate.

You struggle to break free from the webs to no avail.
Daemeon leaves up.

<574hp 10ma 283mv> 1779188395 68493 - -5.2 +4 indoors+0 0 +0
You are viciously massacred by Gildebruun, Mistress of Fiends's hit.

<419hp 11ma 283mv> 1779188395 68493 22 -5.2 +4 indoors+0 0 +0
You crush Gildebruun, Mistress of Fiends very hard.
You are viciously massacred by Gildebruun, Mistress of Fiends's hit.
You are viciously massacred by Gildebruun, Mistress of Fiends's hit.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING that much!
You begin to sing 'dance with the dead'.
A loud melody erupts into the sky...
You quickly dance away from a fatal blow!

<50hp 12ma 283mv> 1779189039 68493 - -5.2 +4 indoors+644 16 +0
recite recall
Curate -- 'i recalled him'

<55hp 15ma 283mv> 1779189039 68493 - -5.2 +4 indoors+0 0 +0
Your senses begin to dull.

<56hp 15ma 283mv> 1779189039 68493 - -5.2 +4 indoors+0 0 +0
You have been KILLED!!

<-120hp 16ma 283mv> 1779189039 68493 - -1.2 +4 indoors+0 0 +0
Lie still; you are DEAD!!! :-(
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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Teron » Wed Mar 29, 2017 10:15 am

(Reborn) Tuk <<M.A.G.I>> New eq/runes added => is lying here, incapacitated.
Tuk has a strong red aura.
Tuk is surrounded by a barely visible green sphere!
Tuk is covered in sticky webs!
A deadly bone naga serves his master in protection of the wall of bones.
An enslaved bone naga is covered in sticky webs!

<969hp 447ma 195mv> 220691755736 1902980 - -8.9 +8 raining+0 0 +0
You sing another verse of 'march of the heroes'.

<972hp 445ma 197mv> 220691755736 1902980 - -8.9 +8 raining+0 0 +0
An undead yuan-ti assassin throws a dull grey dart, hitting you!
You can taste the impending victory!
Your tumbling partially deflects the oncoming blow!
You report 1080/1322 hp. Change: +116. Need: 242. Spells: aegis, greater fluidity.

<1080hp 445ma 197mv> 220691755736 1902980 100 -8.9 +8 raining+0 0 +0
Your blood freezes as you hear Tuk's death cry.

<1085hp 447ma 199mv> 220691755736 1902980 100 -8.9 +8 raining+0 0 +0
cast 'restorat' tuk Taron
Nobody here by that name.
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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Teron » Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:14 am

*Immortals of SlothMUD*
[ *Greater God* ] Neptune [JAFO] Vote! Vote!

[ pri sec ter qua qui hex sep oct ] Players
[ *Overlord* Wa:9.40 ] Gorka is a dork.
[ *Overlord* Wa:9.40 ] War solving disputes with epics!
[ *Overlord* Wa:9.40 ] Taron trades eq for gems
[ *Archmage* Ma:8.36 ] Ezekiel ~Dragonsworn~
[ *Magician* Ma:5.38 ] (Reborn) Tuk <<M.A.G.I>> all players above me are dorks.
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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Teron » Fri May 05, 2017 1:24 pm

You grouptell: 'daemeon, gt macu me'
Daemeon -- 'macu me'
You grouptell: 'macu > knife'
You grouptell: 'yes, because i'm carrying all the macus'
Daemeon -- 'horder :)~'
You grouptell: 'knives chop groupies more, and mobs less. stick to macus'

Daemeon wildly swings Macuahuitl, and accidentally cuts off his own head!
Daemeon is dead! R.I.P.

You grouptell: 'yup, macu is better (c)'

Daemeon swings his weapon, accidentally cutting your head off!
You have been KILLED!!

Ezekiel -- 'macu is better'

As you swing your weapon, it slips and slices through Daemeon's neck!
Daemeon is dead! R.I.P.

You grouptell: 'revenge!!'
Gorka -- 'paid back'
You grouptell: 'told you macus were good'
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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Teron » Fri May 05, 2017 4:25 pm

You are brutally massacred by a giant spiked lizard's beat.
A giant spiked lizard's beat bounces off Gorka's heavy armor.
A giant spiked lizard misses Gorka with his beat.
A giant spiked lizard looks shocked as he cuts himself on Gorka's petrified armor!
A giant spiked lizard brutally massacres Gorka with his beat.
A giant spiked lizard misses Gorka with his beat.
A giant spiked lizard misses Gorka with his bite.
You crush a giant spiked lizard hard.
You miss a giant spiked lizard with your crush.
Gorka delivers a massive blow to one of a giant spiked lizard's vital organs.
Gorka viciously massacres a giant spiked lizard with his cleave.
Gorka massacres a giant spiked lizard to small fragments with his cleave.
Gorka wildly swings a large curved scimitar, and accidentally cuts off his own head!
Gorka is dead! R.I.P.
A giant spiked lizard sees Erikk, and ATTACKS!
Erikk's spell shield absorbs the damage!
Ezekiel utters the words, 'yafqz yuzre'
A force field appears blocking the west exit!
Norks utters the words, 'pzar'
A warm feeling fills your body.

<432hp gt how did the 2nd leave room?
92ma 311mv> 3946380398 148280 32 -5.4 +0 raining
+360 9 +0
Cyprimus -- 'Gorka suicided'

<433hp 93ma 311mv> 3946380398 148280 32 -5.4 +0 raining
You grouptell: 'how did the 2nd leave room?'

<433hp 93ma 311mv> 3946380398 148280 32 -5.4 +0 raining
Cyprimus -- 'dont feed the lizards!'

<434hp 94ma 312mv> 3946380398 148280 32 -5.4 +0 raining
Ezekiel -- 'Gorka has chopped self!! RIP!!!'

<434hp 94ma 312mv> 3946380398 148280 32 -5.4 +0 raining
Gnu cuts a limb off of a giant spiked lizard!!!!
An eerie aura emanates from Gnu's weapon, as a giant spiked lizard closes its eyes momentarily!!!!!
You miss a giant spiked lizard with your crush.
Erikk misses a giant spiked lizard with his crush.
A giant spiked lizard misses Erikk with his beat.
A giant spiked lizard misses Erikk with his beat.
A giant spiked lizard misses Erikk with his beat.
A giant spiked lizard misses Erikk with his beat.
A giant spiked lizard misses Erikk with his beat.
A giant spiked lizard misses you with his bite.
You crush a giant spiked lizard very hard.
Erikk crushes a giant spiked lizard very hard.
Your group's front line is about to collapse, watch out!

<436hp 95ma 313mv> 3946380426 148280 17 -5.4 +0 raining
+28 0 +0
play 'reign of confusion' spiked
Cyprimus -- 'tanking enabled. Sing for rescues!'

<436hp 95ma 313mv> 3946380426 148280 17 -5.4 +0 raining
Cyprimus reports 1274/1274 hp. Change: -100. Need: 0. Spells: greater fluidity, glowing.

<436hp 95ma 313mv> 3946380426 148280 17 -5.4 +0 raining
You quickly play a verse of 'reign of confusion'.

<437hp 75ma 313mv> 3946380426 148280 17 -5.4 +0 raining
Cyprimus heroically rescues Erikk.

<438hp 75ma 314mv> 3946380426 148280 17 -5.4 +0 raining
You crush a giant spiked lizard hard.
A giant spiked lizard misses Cyprimus with his beat.
A giant spiked lizard misses Cyprimus with his beat.
A giant spiked lizard misses Cyprimus with his beat.
A giant spiked lizard misses Cyprimus with his beat.
Cyprimus misses a giant spiked lizard with his cleave.
Cyprimus cuts off the head of a giant spiked lizard!!!!
Cyprimus viciously massacres a giant spiked lizard with his cleave.
A giant spiked lizard is dead! R.I.P.
You receive 3735539 experience points as your share.
Total exp for kill is 50208169.

Your blood freezes as you hear a giant spiked lizard's death cry.
coins : You are too laden down with equipment to pick anything else up.
Ezekiel gets gold coins from the corpse of a giant spiked lizard that's on the ground.
Ezekiel splits 29759 coins. Your share is 2975 coins.
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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Teron » Fri May 05, 2017 4:32 pm

Gorka -- 'heal me please'

<760hp 162ma 314mv> 3972393925 173845 21 -5.4 +0 indoors
You feel better.

<762hp 164ma 314mv> 3972393925 173845 21 -5.4 +0 indoors
Ezekiel utters the words, 'candusghafahuai'
A gorynych briefly glows with a blinding light!
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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Teron » Wed May 31, 2017 3:42 am

[ *Overlord* Wa:9.40 ] Gorka missing Juggleblood.
[ *Overlord* Wa:9.40 ] Taron misses Juggleblood
[ *Archmage* Ma:8.39 ] Ezekiel ~Dragonsworn~ missing Juggleblood.
[ *Shaman* Dr:8.28 ] (Reborn) Suna ~Dragonsworn~ Missing Juggleblood
[ *Magician* Ma:7.37 ] (Reborn) Tuk <<M.A.G.I>> missing Juggleblood.
[ 20c 20m 20n 10b| 6w 5d 4o 3t ] Whatta
[ 14d 12t 10m 8w| 6b 4o 2c 1n ] Unmace

Ezekiel gossips-- 'man, wonder who this juggleblood fellow is?'
Ezekiel gossips-- 'sounds pretty missed'
You gossip-- 'but is he, if Splork doesn't know it?'
Gorka gossips-- 'lets keep titles until we know he has seen'
Ezekiel gossips-- '(c) Confucius'
Ezekiel gossips-- 'at taron'
Whatta gossips-- 'what do you miss about it?'
Gorka gossips-- 'he was likable and obxious'
You gossip-- 'attention to detail and players'
Gorka gossips-- 'all at the same time'
Ezekiel gossips-- 'player response, updated on forum, imm runs quests'
Ezekiel gossips-- 'player response, updated on forum, imm runs quests'
Gorka gossips-- '#Juggleblood 2020'
You gossip-- 'he was the one, who fixed typos, mob procs and random bugs/typos that no one bothers with'
Ezekiel gossips-- 'continually actually played a char and immed'
Ezekiel gossips-- 'grouped with chars to know what might need to be tweaked in practice'
Ezekiel gossips-- 'the list goes on'
Gorka gossips-- 'he also fed 5000 and walked on water'
Ezekiel gossips-- 'and that was just in level 0 coli!'
You gossip-- '*fed with the meat pies, diseased with cowfutius. helpful and obnoxious at the same time.'
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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Teron » Sat Jul 08, 2017 8:28 pm

<987hp 432ma 320mv> 25512992981 582415 65 -6.0 +6 indoors
You massacre a smoke and ash maul titan to small fragments with your slash.
Cyprimus skillfully parries the attack of a smoke and ash maul titan.
A smoke and ash maul titan viciously massacres Cyprimus with his claw.
You are viciously massacred by a smoke and ash maul titan's hit.
A smoke and ash maul titan flails about from his sitting position, but hits nothing.
You massacre a smoke and ash maul titan to small fragments with your slash.
Belrath wildly swings a large curved scimitar, and accidentally cuts off Sochi's head!
Sochi stops playing.
Sochi is dead! R.I.P.
Yennefer cuts a limb off of a smoke and ash maul titan!!!!
Tuk wildly swings a large curved scimitar, and accidentally cuts off his own head!
Tuk is dead! R.I.P.
Cyprimus brutally massacres a smoke and ash maul titan with his cleave.
Cyprimus brutally massacres a smoke and ash maul titan with his cleave.
A smoke and ash maul titan clambers onto his feet.

<891hp 432ma 320mv> 25512995770 582415 48 -6.0 +6 indoors
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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Gorka » Fri Jul 14, 2017 3:10 pm

Suna misses Tuk with his slash.
Tuk cleaves Suna hard.
Suna misses Tuk with his slash.
Suna misses Tuk with his slash.
Suna misses Tuk with his slash.
Suna misses Tuk with his slash.
Tuk impales himself on thorns round Suna!
Tuk cleaves Suna hard.
Tuk delivers a critical blow to one of Suna's vital organs.
Tuk cleaves Suna extremely hard.
Tuk cleaves Suna hard.

SUNA! SUNA! SUNA! :twisted:
Gimme a G! Gimme a ORKA!
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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Gorka » Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:35 pm

In this weeks episode of fight club...

Sochi cleaves Songster very hard.
Songster misses Sochi with his cleave.
Songster misses Sochi with his cleave.
Sochi cleaves Songster hard.
Sochi cleaves Songster very hard.
Sochi cuts a limb off of Songster!!!!
Sochi brutally massacres Songster with his cleave.
Gimme a G! Gimme a ORKA!
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How it feels to lead a large group

Postby Teron » Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:08 am

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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Teron » Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:44 am

<1021hp 199ma 341mv> 1876746123 61742 44 -8.6 +0 indoors
You massacre a giant clam to small fragments with your whip.
Cyprimus skillfully parries the attack of a giant clam.
Cyprimus's riposte viciously massacres a giant clam.
A giant clam's smash bounces off Cyprimus's heavy armor.
A giant clam looks shocked as it cuts itself on Cyprimus's petrified armor!
A giant clam viciously massacres Cyprimus with its pound.
A giant clam viciously massacres Cyprimus with its crush.
A giant clam charges and bashes into Cyprimus.
Cyprimus is knocked off his feet!
A giant clam disengages itself, and attacks Yennefer!
Yennefer delivers a critical blow to one of a giant clam's vital organs.
Yennefer brutally massacres a giant clam with her pierce.
Yennefer thrusts Rogue's Dagger deep into a giant clam and injects a poison.
Yennefer massacres a giant clam to small fragments with her pierce.
You massacre a giant clam to small fragments with your whip.

<1022hp 199ma 341mv> 1876749305 61742 30 -8.6 +0 indoors
+3182 79 +0
Cyprimus reports 1027/1379 hp. Change: -224. Need: 352. Spells: glowing, greater fluidity.

<1022hp 199ma 341mv> 1876749305 61742 30 -8.6 +0 indoors
Lerr charges and bashes into a giant clam.

<1022hp 199ma 341mv> 1876749305 61742 30 -8.6 +0 indoors
Jackalope tears a sizeable chunk out of a giant clam with its chomp.

<1025hp 201ma 342mv> 1876749305 61742 29 -8.6 +0 indoors
Driven attempts to bash a giant clam, but bounces off and is sent sprawling!

<1025hp 201ma 342mv> 1876749305 61742 29 -8.6 +0 indoors
Zuzu utters the words, 'pzar'
Zuzu heals Cyprimus.

<1028hp 202ma 343mv> 1876749305 61742 29 -8.6 +0 indoors
Cyprimus reports 1288/1379 hp. Change: +261. Need: 91. Spells: glowing, greater fluidity.

<1028hp 202ma 343mv> 1876749305 61742 29 -8.6 +0 indoors
Yennefer massacres a giant clam to small fragments with her pierce.
A whip of demon's flame unleashes a fury of flame as it snaps back and forth!
A giant clam is scorched by the flames of Hell!
You massacre a giant clam to small fragments with your pierce.
A giant clam's bones crunch under a well-aimed attack by Zuzu!
A giant clam looks shocked as it cuts itself on Cyprimus's petrified armor!
A giant clam viciously massacres Yennefer with its crush.
Yennefer thrusts Rogue's Dagger deep into a giant clam and injects a poison.
Yennefer massacres a giant clam to small fragments with her pierce.
Yennefer massacres a giant clam to small fragments with her pierce.
You massacre a giant clam to small fragments with your whip.
You massacre a giant clam to small fragments with your whip.
You charge and bash into a giant clam.

<1028hp 202ma 343mv> 1876758301 61742 13 -8.6 +0 indoors
+8996 224 +0
Cyprimus reports 846/1379 hp. Change: -442. Need: 533. Spells: glowing, greater fluidity.
Cyprimus clambers onto his feet.

<1028hp 202ma 343mv> 1876758301 61742 13 -8.6 +0 indoors
Lerr charges and bashes into a giant clam.

<1030hp 203ma 343mv> 1876758301 61742 13 -8.6 +0 indoors
You sing another verse of 'sanctuary for the soul'.

<1030hp 201ma 343mv> 1876758301 61742 13 -8.6 +0 indoors
Jackalope's teeth snap shut just inches from a giant clam's face!

<1030hp 201ma 343mv> 1876758301 61742 13 -8.6 +0 indoors
Zuzu utters the words, 'candusghafahuai'
Cyprimus briefly glows with a blinding light!
Driven charges and bashes into a giant clam.
A giant clam begins to sway, but regains its balance.

<1031hp 202ma 343mv> 1876758301 61742 13 -8.6 +0 indoors
rescue ye
Cyprimus reports 1220/1379 hp. Change: +374. Need: 159. Spells: greater fluidity, glowing.

<1031hp 202ma 343mv> 1876758301 61742 13 -8.6 +0 indoors
rescue ye
Yennefer massacres a giant clam to small fragments with her pierce.
You miss a giant clam with your whip.
A giant clam viciously massacres Yennefer with its pound.
A giant clam looks shocked as it cuts itself on Cyprimus's petrified armor!
A giant clam viciously massacres Yennefer with its pound.
Yennefer is dead! R.I.P.
A giant clam viciously massacres Cyprimus with its crush.
Cyprimus brutally massacres a giant clam with his slash.
Cyprimus brutally massacres a giant clam with his slash.
You massacre a giant clam to small fragments with your whip.
You miss a giant clam with your whip.
But nobody is fighting her?

<1034hp 203ma 343mv> 1876759107 61742 3 -8.6 +0 indoors

You grouptell: 'trigger on being bashed: pipe, stand, stand, second wind'
You grouptell: 'zuzu raise yen'
Cyprimus -- 'she died from frontline damage.'
You grouptell: 'cyp stabs'
You grouptell: 'clam bashed you, disengaged, and she died from 2 rounds of damage'
You grouptell: 'target oct'
Cyprimus -- 'i parried both those rounds.. she just got frontline damage'
You grouptell: 'no, she was the focus'
You grouptell: 'you only paried'
Yennefer -- 'Orrrrrr, my AC is absolutely atrocious and there's nothing anyone can do to save me. '
Lerr -- 'A giant octopus is glowing with Faerie Fire!'
You grouptell: 'yeah it's tanks responsibility to save you yen'
Last edited by Teron on Mon Jul 24, 2017 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Teron » Sun Jul 23, 2017 8:11 am

You are viciously massacred by a fire maul titan's hit.

<884hp 208ma 344mv> 3371023675 117703 100 -6.1 +10 raining
gt was supposed to give me some variety and preparation for the long runs
A fire maul titan hates your guts!
You massacre a fire maul titan to small fragments with your cleave.
You are viciously massacred by a fire maul titan's hit.
You are viciously massacred by a fire maul titan's claw.
You are viciously massacred by a fire maul titan's slash.
You are viciously massacred by a fire maul titan's hit.
You are viciously massacred by a fire maul titan's claw.
You are viciously massacred by a fire maul titan's slash.
You massacre a fire maul titan to small fragments with your cleave.
You massacre a fire maul titan to small fragments with your cleave.
A fire maul titan gestures and utters some strange sounds!
You are bathed in a painful stream of burning green acid!
Your group's front line is about to collapse, watch out!

<261hp 209ma 345mv> 3371025436 117703 99 -6.1 +10 raining
+1761 44 +0
You grouptell: 'was supposed to give me some variety and preparation for the long runs'

<261hp 209ma 345mv> 3371025436 117703 99 -6.1 +10 raining
You raise your clear (?) voice towards the sky.

<263hp 211ma 345mv> 3371025436 117703 99 -6.1 +10 raining
You raise your clear (?) voice towards the sky.

<263hp 211ma 345mv> 3371025436 117703 99 -6.1 +10 raining
Gorka -- 'missing tank'

<263hp 211ma 345mv> 3371025436 117703 99 -6.1 +10 raining
cast 'restorat' Songster
Stun utters the words, 'eawiahuai'
A fire maul titan screams in agony as red tendrils of mist infuse his body.

<264hp 211ma 345mv> 3371025436 117703 99 -6.1 +10 raining
The cleansing fires of healing fill your body!

<491hp 149ma 345mv> 3371034516 117703 99 -6.1 +10 raining
+9080 227 +0
You massacre a fire maul titan to small fragments with your cleave.
You are viciously massacred by a fire maul titan's hit.
You are viciously massacred by a fire maul titan's claw.
A fire maul titan misses you with his slash.
You are viciously massacred by a fire maul titan's hit.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING that much!
You stop playing.
You are viciously massacred by a fire maul titan's claw.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING that much!
You massacre a fire maul titan to small fragments with your cleave.
You massacre a fire maul titan to small fragments with your cleave.
A fire maul titan's eyes narrow as he points a long finger at you.
You are seized by an ethereal demon!

<103hp 151ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 98 -6.1 +10 raining
+5675 141 +0
Stun reports 1586/1559 hp. Change: +169. Need: 0. Spells: greater fluidity, aegis.

<103hp 151ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 98 -6.1 +10 raining
Nissa the peri brushes you with her wing.
You feel better!
You are rescued by Stun, you are confused!
assist Stun

<132hp 151ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -6.1 +10 raining
play 'reign of confusion' titan
Gorka -- 'Aegis Down in 60 secs.'

<133hp 152ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -6.1 +10 raining
cast 'restorat' Songster
Stun gets the Blessed Bag of Persephone from an ornate scroll bag.

<133hp 153ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -6.1 +10 raining
Stun gets a shoulder of lamb from the Blessed Bag of Persephone.

<133hp 153ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -6.1 +10 raining
Stun gets a boiled hare from the Blessed Bag of Persephone.
Ezekiel -- 'reign'
play 'reign of confusion' titan

<133hp 153ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -6.1 +10 raining
Stun gets a boiled hare from the Blessed Bag of Persephone.

<134hp 154ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -6.1 +10 raining
Stun gets a shoulder of lamb from the Blessed Bag of Persephone.

<134hp 154ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -6.1 +10 raining
Stun skillfully parries the attack of a fire maul titan.
A fire maul titan viciously massacres Stun with his claw.
A fire maul titan viciously massacres Stun with his hit.
A fire maul titan brutally massacres Stun with his claw.
A fire maul titan brutally massacres Stun with his slash.
Stun delivers a critical blow to one of a fire maul titan's vital organs.
Stun viciously massacres a fire maul titan with his cleave.
Stun brutally massacres a fire maul titan with his cleave.
Stun delivers a massive blow to one of a fire maul titan's vital organs.
Stun viciously massacres a fire maul titan with his cleave.
Stun brutally massacres a fire maul titan with his cleave.
Stun puts the Blessed Bag of Persephone in an ornate scroll bag.

<134hp 154ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -6.1 +10 raining
Stun reports 1299/1559 hp. Change: -287. Need: 260. Spells: aegis, greater fluidity.

<134hp 154ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -6.1 +10 raining
Tuk stops singing.
Tuk utters the words, 'aque bragh'

<135hp 154ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -6.1 +10 raining
You calm down and return to a peaceful state of mind.

<136hp 155ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -6.1 +10 raining
cast 'restorat' Songster
The radiant sphere around your body fades.
gt Aegis down

<137hp 156ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -6.1 +10 raining
You are incapable of channeling your anger.

<137hp 156ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -6.1 +10 raining
cast 'aegis' Songster
A fire maul titan brutally massacres Stun with his slash.
A fire maul titan looks shocked as he cuts himself on Stun's petrified armor!
A fire maul titan viciously massacres Stun with his hit.
You have been KILLED!!

<-35hp 156ma 345mv> 3371040191 117703 - -2.1 +10 raining
Lie still; you are DEAD!!! :-(
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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Teron » Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:41 pm

You slash the incense-maker hard.
Gorka massacres the incense-maker to small fragments with his slash.
The incense-maker misses Gorka with his hit.
The incense-maker misses Gorka with his hit.
The incense-maker misses Gorka with his pound.
You slash the incense-maker hard.
You cut off the incense-maker's limb!
Limb number 17370 is flying again
You viciously massacre the incense-maker with your cleave.
Gorka cuts a limb off of the incense-maker!!!!
Gorka viciously massacres the incense-maker with his cleave.
Gorka wildly swings a double bladed battle axe, and accidentally cuts off Slice's head!
Slice is dead! R.I.P.
Gorka massacres the incense-maker to small fragments with his slash.
The incense-maker attempts to bash Gorka, who nimbly steps out of the way.

<899hp 306ma 350mv> 2754386442 742075 32 -6.1 -4 indoors

Gorka -- 'Gorka has reached 100 chops!'

Gorka -- 'snicker'

Ezekiel -- 'celebratry slice chop'
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Re: Your afternoon chuckle

Postby Teron » Wed Aug 09, 2017 6:08 am

The corpse of an evil tarsir is lying here.
A brightly-plumed toucan warbles plaintively and preens.
(Red Aura) An evil tarsir prepares to rend flesh from bone.
(Brilliant Blue Aura) A large rabbit-like creature with antelope horns hops about playfully.
Xxx * xxX ~Dragonsworn~ is lying here, dead. (Brilliant Blue Aura)
Xxx glows with a bright light!
Xxx has a steady red aura.

<1257hp 771ma 357mv> 296243426525 1013452 - -2.3 +9 fair
l tou
A somewhat inhibited bird, the toucan spends most of his life just
following his nose. Sugary breakfast foods comprise most of his diet,
which might explain why he's so hyper. His body is covered in black
feathers, his neck in yellow. A prominent green and orange bill,
tipped with red, extends over a foot from his face.
A keel-billed toucan looks pretty hurt.

You attempt to peek at the inventory:
You can't see anything.

<1257hp 773ma 357mv> 296243426525 1013452 - -2.3 +9 fair
push tars w
push tars w
push tars w
You throw yourself against an evil tarsir and push him to the west!
An evil tarsir leaves west.

<1257hp 775ma 339mv> 296243426525 1013452 - -2.3 +9 fair
They aren't here.

<1257hp 775ma 339mv> 296243426525 1013452 - -2.3 +9 fair
They aren't here.

<1257hp 775ma 339mv> 296243426525 1013452 - -2.3 +9 fair
cast 'firewind' tou
cast 'firewind'
A keel-billed toucan hates your guts!
A keel-billed toucan vanishes in a burning wind.

<1257hp 754ma 341mv> 296243433444 1013452 6 1.7 +9 fair
+6919 172 +0
Gorka gossips-- 'snicker tarsir'

<1257hp 754ma 341mv> 296243433444 1013452 6 1.7 +9 fair
With a mighty effort, you shake off your exhaustion!
Winds of Flame pour from your hands, killing a keel-billed toucan instantly.
A keel-billed toucan is dead! R.I.P.
You gain 1167820 bonus experience!
Total exp for kill is 3305153.
warcry LET'S ROCK!
Your blood freezes as you hear a keel-billed toucan's death cry.
You get gold coins from the corpse of a keel-billed toucan that's on the ground.
There were 1691 coins.
9 g/sec

<1257hp 729ma 326mv> 296247917569 1015143 - 1.7 +9 fair
+4484125 112103 +1691
cast 'in' Taron

<1257hp 733ma 328mv> 296247917569 1015143 - 1.7 +9 fair
You yell 'LET'S ROCK!'

<1257hp 733ma 328mv> 296247917569 1015143 - 1.7 +9 fair
You vanish.

<1257hp 730ma 329mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -2.3 +9 fair
A keel-billed toucan arrives from the south.

<1257hp 731ma 329mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -2.3 +9 fair
eqs wear raise
You begin to slowly fade into the shadows.

<1257hp 734ma 291mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -2.3 +9 fair
You are already well hidden within the shadows.

<1257hp 734ma 291mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
sing 'rina cruinne'

<1257hp 734ma 276mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
You begin to sing 'rina cruinne'.
Your song helps you to concentrate on your prayers for the dead.

<1257hp 699ma 277mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
You sing another verse of 'rina cruinne'.

<1256hp 690ma 278mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
cast 'raise dead' x
You stop singing.
Xxx has been raised from the dead!
You raise Xxx from the dead!
759 raises, 62 shocks.

<1256hp 625ma 280mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
gos a toucan
An evil tarsir arrives from the west.
An evil tarsir sees Xxx, and attacks!
An evil tarsir looks shocked as he cuts himself on Xxx's petrified armor!
An evil tarsir bites Xxx extremely hard.
Xxx is dead! R.I.P.

<1254hp 628ma 282mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
cast 'word of r'
You gossip-- 'a toucan'

<1254hp 628ma 282mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
The path curves around a large magnolia tree, almost forty feet high.
It is covered with large white flowers, which emit a strong, sweet scent.
The path is edged with stone blocks, possibly in an attempt to stop it
from slipping down the slope toward the sea.
Exits: East South West
A piece of glowing parchment wraps and unwraps itself.
A large fountain is here gurgling out an endless stream of water.
A large note dispenser, with a button on the top, is here against the wall.
A magical contraption, the shadowgram, floats just above the Magnolia.
A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here.

<1254hp 593ma 283mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
gos ok, this time was a tarsir
You gossip-- 'ok, this time was a tarsir'

<1254hp 602ma 289mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
cast 'relocat' xxx
You weave the threads of magic masterfully!
You are momentarily disoriented as your body reforms in another location.
You feel your shadow cloak begin to dissolve.
Open Glade
Exits: North South West
The corpse of a keel-billed toucan is lying here.
The corpse of an evil tarsir is lying here.
(Red Aura) An evil tarsir prepares to rend flesh from bone.
A brightly-plumed toucan warbles plaintively and preens.
(Brilliant Blue Aura) A large rabbit-like creature with antelope horns hops about playfully.
Xxx * xxX ~Dragonsworn~ is lying here, dead. (Brilliant Blue Aura)
Xxx glows with a bright light!
Xxx has a steady red aura.

<1252hp 535ma 291mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
You feel less in touch with the dead.

<1252hp 537ma 293mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
Your attempt to stealth fails.

<1251hp 540ma 280mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
You begin to slowly fade into the shadows.

<1251hp 540ma 240mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
sing 'rina cruinne'
You begin to sing 'rina cruinne'.
Your song helps you to concentrate on your prayers for the dead.

<1251hp 507ma 242mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 fair
recite recall xx
You sing another verse of 'rina cruinne'.
The sky is getting cloudy.
Timer now at 60 secs.
Saving Taron.
Saving items.

<1250hp 502ma 244mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 overcast
You get a dwarvish recall scroll from magical dwarvish scroll bag.
You stop singing.
You recite a dwarvish recall scroll which dissolves.
Xxx disappears.

<1250hp 502ma 244mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 overcast
cast 'word of r'
Saving Taron.
Saving items.

<1250hp 503ma 245mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 overcast
The path curves around a large magnolia tree, almost forty feet high.
It is covered with large white flowers, which emit a strong, sweet scent.
The path is edged with stone blocks, possibly in an attempt to stop it
from slipping down the slope toward the sea.
Exits: East South West
A piece of glowing parchment wraps and unwraps itself.
A large fountain is here gurgling out an endless stream of water.
A large note dispenser, with a button on the top, is here against the wall.
A magical contraption, the shadowgram, floats just above the Magnolia.
A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here.
Xxx * xxX ~Dragonsworn~ is lying here, dead. (Brilliant Blue Aura)
Xxx glows with a bright light!
Xxx has a steady red aura.

<1250hp 469ma 245mv> 296247917569 1015143 - -5.7 +9 overcast
cast 'raise dead' xxx
Xxx has been raised from the dead!
You raise Xxx from the dead!
760 raises, 62 shocks.

Xxx gossips-- 'omg.. this is horrible'

Xxx gossips-- 'LOL'
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